latest news


Sursill charts updated.


The webmaster doesn't take any responsibility for the correctness of any information found on sites or pages linked to We will try to include only links that we believe have fairly correct information on the linked pages, but we don't have any means or possibilities to verify the contents of individual pages.

Missing persons and familys

If you have missing persons or familys, let us know! We'll publish it here with your permission for all to view, including your contact details for possible answers..

Call for help!

As we all know, the Sursillian family is huge, no single person or association to my knowledge have all information on this family.
So my call for help is; let's make this the preferred place to find information on this family that have emerged from Teg in Sweden to all around the world today. I call all that have information and knowledge of their own branches to contribute in creating the all inclusive family tree of the Sursills.
As just like all of you, my time devoted to genealogy is limited, so I would be very thankfull if contributors would supply information in gedcom files, and even more thankfull if you first look at what we allready have, and submit only missing information telling us to what person your contributed material connects. Please also tell us if there is any names that can't be published on the net, we do our best to blank those individuals boxes in the charts.

All ideas, suggestions and other material can be sent to the email address found in the footer of this page.